最近更新时间: 2025-02-18 16:02:00
- 流程控制函数(Control Flow Functions)
- 字符串函数(String Functions)
- 数字函数(Numeric Functions and Operators)
- 日期时间函数(Date and Time Functions)
- 聚合函数(Aggregate (GROUP BY) Functions)
- 位函数(Bit Functions and Operators)
- 转换函数(Cast Functions and Operators)
流程控制函数(Control Flow Functions)
函数名 | 描述 |
CASE | Case operator |
IF() | If/else construct |
IFNULL() | Null if/else construct |
NULLIF() | Return NULL if expr1 = expr2 |
字符串函数(String Functions)
函数名 | 描述 |
ASCII() | Return numeric value of left-most character |
BIN() | Return a string containing binary representation of a number |
BIT_LENGTH() | Return length of argument in bits |
CHAR() | Return the character for each integer passed |
CHAR_LENGTH() | Return number of characters in argument |
CONCAT() | Return concatenated string |
CONCAT_WS() | Return concatenate with separator |
ELT() | Return string at index number |
EXPORT_SET() | Return a string such that for every bit set in the value bits, you get an on string and for every unset bit, you get an off string |
FIELD() | Return the index (position) of the first argument in the subsequent arguments |
FIND_IN_SET() | Return the index position of the first argument within the second argument |
FORMAT() | Return a number formatted to specified number of decimal places |
FROM_BASE64() | Decode to a base-64 string and return result |
HEX() | Return a hexadecimal representation of a decimal or string value |
INSERT() | Insert a substring at the specified position up to the specified number of characters |
INSTR() | Return the index of the first occurrence of substring |
LCASE() | Synonym for LOWER() |
LEFT() | Return the leftmost number of characters as specified |
LENGTH() | Return the length of a string in bytes |
LIKE | Simple pattern matching |
LOAD_FILE() | Load the named file |
LOCATE() | Return the position of the first occurrence of substring |
LOWER() | Return the argument in lowercase |
LPAD() | Return the string argument, left-padded with the specified string |
LTRIM() | Remove leading spaces |
MAKE_SET() | Return a set of comma-separated strings that have the corresponding bit in bits set |
MATCH | Perform full-text search |
MID() | Return a substring starting from the specified position |
NOT LIKE | Negation of simple pattern matching |
NOT REGEXP | Negation of REGEXP |
OCT() | Return a string containing octal representation of a number |
OCTET_LENGTH() | Synonym for LENGTH() |
ORD() | Return character code for leftmost character of the argument |
POSITION() | Synonym for LOCATE() |
QUOTE() | Escape the argument for use in an SQL statement |
REGEXP | Pattern matching using regular expressions |
REPEAT() | Repeat a string the specified number of times |
REPLACE() | Replace occurrences of a specified string |
REVERSE() | Reverse the characters in a string |
RIGHT() | Return the specified rightmost number of characters |
RLIKE | Synonym for REGEXP |
RPAD() | Append string the specified number of times |
RTRIM() | Remove trailing spaces |
SOUNDEX() | Return a soundex string |
SOUNDS LIKE | Compare sounds |
SPACE() | Return a string of the specified number of spaces |
STRCMP() | Compare two strings |
SUBSTR() | Return the substring as specified |
SUBSTRING() | Return the substring as specified |
SUBSTRING_INDEX() | Return a substring from a string before the specified number of occurrences of the delimiter |
TO_BASE64() | Return the argument converted to a base-64 string |
TRIM() | Remove leading and trailing spaces |
UCASE() | Synonym for UPPER() |
UNHEX() | Return a string containing hex representation of a number |
UPPER() | Convert to uppercase |
WEIGHT_STRING() | Return the weight string for a string |
数字函数(Numeric Functions and Operators)
函数名 | 描述 |
ABS() | Return the absolute value |
ACOS() | Return the arc cosine |
ASIN() | Return the arc sine |
ATAN() | Return the arc tangent |
ATAN2(), ATAN() | Return the arc tangent of the two arguments |
CEIL() | Return the smallest integer value not less than the argument |
CEILING() | Return the smallest integer value not less than the argument |
CONV() | Convert numbers between different number bases |
COS() | Return the cosine |
COT() | Return the cotangent |
CRC32() | Compute a cyclic redundancy check value |
DEGREES() | Convert radians to degrees |
DIV | Integer division |
/ | Division operator |
EXP() | Raise to the power of |
FLOOR() | Return the largest integer value not greater than the argument |
LN() | Return the natural logarithm of the argument |
LOG() | Return the natural logarithm of the first argument |
LOG10() | Return the base-10 logarithm of the argument |
LOG2() | Return the base-2 logarithm of the argument |
- | Minus operator |
MOD() | Return the remainder |
%, MOD | Modulo operator |
PI() | Return the value of pi |
+ | Addition operator |
POW() | Return the argument raised to the specified power |
POWER() | Return the argument raised to the specified power |
RADIANS() | Return argument converted to radians |
RAND() | Return a random floating-point value |
ROUND() | Round the argument |
SIGN() | Return the sign of the argument |
SIN() | Return the sine of the argument |
SQRT() | Return the square root of the argument |
TAN() | Return the tangent of the argument |
* | Multiplication operator |
TRUNCATE() | Truncate to specified number of decimal places |
- | Change the sign of the argument |
日期时间函数(Date and Time Functions)
函数名 | 描述 |
ADDDATE() | Add time values (intervals) to a date value |
ADDTIME() | Add time |
CONVERT_TZ() | Convert from one time zone to another |
CURDATE() | Return the current date |
CURTIME() | Return the current time |
DATE() | Extract the date part of a date or datetime expression |
DATE_ADD() | Add time values (intervals) to a date value |
DATE_FORMAT() | Format date as specified |
DATE_SUB() | Subtract a time value (interval) from a date |
DATEDIFF() | Subtract two dates |
DAY() | Synonym for DAYOFMONTH() |
DAYNAME() | Return the name of the weekday |
DAYOFMONTH() | Return the day of the month (0-31) |
DAYOFWEEK() | Return the weekday index of the argument |
DAYOFYEAR() | Return the day of the year (1-366) |
EXTRACT() | Extract part of a date |
FROM_DAYS() | Convert a day number to a date |
FROM_UNIXTIME() | Format Unix timestamp as a date |
GET_FORMAT() | Return a date format string |
HOUR() | Extract the hour |
LAST_DAY | Return the last day of the month for the argument |
LOCALTIME(), LOCALTIME | Synonym for NOW() |
MAKEDATE() | Create a date from the year and day of year |
MAKETIME() | Create time from hour, minute, second |
MICROSECOND() | Return the microseconds from argument |
MINUTE() | Return the minute from the argument |
MONTH() | Return the month from the date passed |
MONTHNAME() | Return the name of the month |
NOW() | Return the current date and time |
PERIOD_ADD() | Add a period to a year-month |
PERIOD_DIFF() | Return the number of months between periods |
QUARTER() | Return the quarter from a date argument |
SEC_TO_TIME() | Converts seconds to 'HHimgSS' format |
SECOND() | Return the second (0-59) |
STR_TO_DATE() | Convert a string to a date |
SUBDATE() | Synonym for DATE_SUB() when invoked with three arguments |
SUBTIME() | Subtract times |
SYSDATE() | Return the time at which the function executes |
TIME() | Extract the time portion of the expression passed |
TIME_FORMAT() | Format as time |
TIME_TO_SEC() | Return the argument converted to seconds |
TIMEDIFF() | Subtract time |
TIMESTAMP() | With a single argument, this function returns the date or datetime expression; with two arguments, the sum of the arguments |
TIMESTAMPADD() | Add an interval to a datetime expression |
TIMESTAMPDIFF() | Subtract an interval from a datetime expression |
TO_DAYS() | Return the date argument converted to days |
TO_SECONDS() | Return the date or datetime argument converted to seconds since Year 0 |
UNIX_TIMESTAMP() | Return a Unix timestamp |
UTC_DATE() | Return the current UTC date |
UTC_TIME() | Return the current UTC time |
UTC_TIMESTAMP() | Return the current UTC date and time |
WEEK() | Return the week number |
WEEKDAY() | Return the weekday index |
WEEKOFYEAR() | Return the calendar week of the date (1-53) |
YEAR() | Return the year |
YEARWEEK() | Return the year and week |
聚合函数(Aggregate (GROUP BY) Functions)
函数名 | 描述 |
AVG() | Return the average value of the argument |
COUNT() | Return a count of the number of rows returned |
MAX() | Return the maximum value |
MIN() | Return the minimum value |
SUM() | Return the sum |
位函数(Bit Functions and Operators)
函数名 | 描述 |
BIT_COUNT() | Return the number of bits that are set |
& | Bitwise AND |
~ | Bitwise inversion |
\| | Bitwise OR |
^ | Bitwise XOR |
<< | Left shift |
>> | Right shift |
转换函数(Cast Functions and Operators)
函数名 | 描述 |
BINARY | Cast a string to a binary string |
CAST() | Cast a value as a certain type |
CONVERT() | Cast a value as a certain type |