
最近更新时间: 2024-06-12 15:06:00

  • 建立索引。

     postgres=# create unique index tbase_id_uidx on tbase(id);
     postgres=# create index tbase_mc_idx on tbase(mc);     
  • \di查看索引列表。

     postgres=# \di
                                   List of relations
      Schema |    Name      | Type | Owner | Table 
      public | tbase_id_uidx | index | tbase  | tbase
      public | tbase_mc_idx  | index | tbase  | tbase
     (2 rows)
  • \di+查看索引列表详细信息(包含注释),占用空间大小--只能在dn上面查看索引大小。

     postgres=# \di+
                                   List of relations
      Schema |    Name      | Type  | Owner | Table |    Size   |  Description  
      public | tbase_id_uidx | index | tbase  | tbase | 8192 bytes | tbase唯一索引
      public | tbase_mc_idx      | index | tbase  | tbase     | 8192 bytes | 
     (2 rows)
  • \di+显示某个模式下的所有索引--只能在dn上面查看索引大小。

     postgres=# \di+ public.*
                                   List of relations
      Schema |    Name      | Type  | Owner | Table |    Size   |  Description  
      public | tbase_id_uidx | index | tbase  | tbase | 8192 bytes | tbase唯一索引
      public | tbase_mc_idx      | index | tbase  | tbase     | 8192 bytes | 
     (2 rows)
  • \di+索引名显示某个索引的详细信息--只能在dn上面查看索引大小。

     postgres=# \di+ public.tbase_id_uidx
                                   List of relations
      Schema |    Name      | Type  | Owner | Table |    Size   |  Description  
      public | tbase_id_uidx | index | tbase  | tbase | 8192 bytes | tbase唯一索引
     (1 row)
  • \di+通配符列出适配的索引--只能在dn上面查看索引大小。

     postgres=# \di+ *idx
                                   List of relations
      Schema |    Name      | Type  | Owner | Table |    Size   |  Description  
      pgxc   |order_main_id_idx | index | tbase  |order_main | 8192 bytes | 
      public | tbase_id_uidx | index | tbase  | tbase | 8192 bytes | tbase唯一索引
      public | tbase_mc_idx      | index | tbase  | tbase     | 8192 bytes | 
     (3 rows)
     postgres=# \di+ *uidx--#只能在dn上面查看索引大小
                                   List of relations
      Schema |    Name      | Type  | Owner | Table |    Size   |  Description  
      public | tbase_id_uidx | index | tbase  | tbase | 8192 bytes | tbase唯一索引
     (1 row)